Sunday, May 31, 2020

Ms. Nakada Virtual Classroom: Day 44

Q - Q - Song

HW: Letters to yourself, me, and a future eighth grader. 
This is it! Our last Zoom. 

Folks, it has been quite a week. 

How are you feeling about this weekend's civil unrest? Here is an image with lots of options for responding: 

Mood Meter — PS 120Q- Home of the Flushing Dragons

OK, so our quote of the week is one I've been thinking about quite a bit it over the past few days: 

“Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral. ” 
― Paulo Freire

Our question of the week: On a weekend like we just had, what does it mean to do the right thing?

"Fight the Power"  by Public Enemy. 

Last few announcements: I will see you all on Thursday or Friday for textbook return form 8 - 12. 
Then, I will see you all next Wednesday, June 10th at 1:30 for culmination. 

Please, make an event of it. Dress up. Gather your family around. It is not a traditional ceremony. It is new. It is different, but it is what we decide to make of it.

It has been quite a year. We had a pretty ordinary start. We then inked our way through October and wrote novels in November. We wrapped up the semester with crowns and certificates and a nice long holiday break. When we came back, we tackled literature circles: tough books about race in America and police brutality. You did some challenging work, and I hope you felt better prepared to take in the complexity of events that unfolded this weekend. 

I will have copies of my letter to all of you when you drop off your books. Please read it again. Read it often and don't forget that I want only the best for all of you. 

You matter. Your lives matter. I see you. 

And even, or especially when the world seems heartless and cold, I want nothing but the best for all of you. 

Please keep in touch. Let me know if there is anything you need even if it's just someone to listen to how hard or challenging, frustrating or annoying something is. Stay in touch. 

Now, you can sign yearbooks... oh, never mind. 

You are an incredible group, Class of 2020. Be well. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 43

Reminders for the next two weeks...

HW: Write a letter to yourself that I will mail to you in four years. Write a letter to me. Write a letter to a future eighth grader. Bring these with you when you come to turn in your textbooks. 

OK, folks. This is it. Our last Thursday class. 

angry issa rae GIFA few reminders: 

Awards Night is tonight at 6:00!
Last English Class: Monday 9:00 and 10:15
Materials Return: Thursday, June 4 and Friday, June 5 from 8 - noon. 
Virtual Graduation: Wednesday, June 10 at 1:30 

OK, your last assignments for me you will bring and turn in June 4/5. 

The letter to yourself in a self-addressed envelope. 
The letters to me and to a future eighth graders do not need to be in envelopes. 

Lets write!

OK, let me know if you have any questions. Otherwise, have a good weekend. You're almost high schoolers!

See you Monday!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 42

Upcoming Events
10 Things...

HW: Write a letter to yourself that I will mail to you in four years, a letter to me, and a letter to a future eighth grader. Bring these with you when you come to turn in your textbooks. 

Our last Wednesday Zoom today at 9 and 10:15. 

Check-in: How are you dealing with stress and anxiety these days? 

Eighth Grade Awards Night: Thursday, May 28 at 6 PM. 
Last Day of Zoom Class: Monday, June 1. 

Book Return for Eighth Graders: Thursday, June 4 for last names A-K and Friday, June 5 for last names L-Z 8 - noon. 
Virtual Graduation: Wednesday, June 10 at 1:30.
Ok, this is my last assignment for all of you. Write a letter to yourself that I will mail to you your senior year. Place the letter and any other time capsule any other time capsule items into an envelop and address it. If you don't have an envelop, just bring it with you to the book drop off and I'll give you one.  ** Address the envelop but DO NOT seal it. ** I will not read your letter. **

Ok, here are the 10 things I want to leave with you... 

cry crying GIFSo now, write a letter to me. Please let me know what I could do to better teach students in the future, activities you enjoyed this year and any last thoughts you want to leave me with. 

And finally, write a letter to a future eighth grader. Any advice for how to get through eighth grade successfully? 

This is it! Our last Wednesday class. 😩 Crazy. OK, see you tomorrow if you have any questions or need some time to do your letters, and otherwise I will see you on Monday for our last day of class.

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 41

Q - Q - Song
Letters this week...

HW: Write a letter to yourself that I will mail to you in four years. 

This is it! Our last Tuesday class. 😩 Crazy. 
Best Day Ever GIFs | Tenor
What kind of support do you need as you head off to high school? 

Quote: "It takes courage to grow up and become who you are." E.E. Cummings.

Question: How have you changed/grown in the past three years? 

Song: "Best Day of my Life" American Authors

During this last week of school, you are going to write letters. To start, you are going to write a letter to yourself that I will mail your senior year. This is kind of a time capsule, preserving this moment so write what you hope in this moment and where you hope to be in four years. 

OK, short day today! See you tomorrow for our last Wednesday of class! 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 40

10-Year Plans: Budget & Career, College Research, High School Planning

HW: Last week of reading journals! RJ 18.1-18.4 due Friday.
No school Monday for Memorial Day!

Happy Thursday! Zoom class at 1:00 today if you have any questions about ten-year plans, budgets, careers, and colleges.

OK, for our check-in question, what music has been giving you life during the pandemic? 

So, here is your Ten-Year Planning:

Where do you see yourself in ten years? 
How old are you? 
Where are you living? 
What are you doing for a living? 

How much does your life cost per month? 

Housing (rent):
utilities (water/power):
car payment:
car insurance:
student loans:

Can you afford the life you imagine?

California minimum wage is $13.00 an hour so 40 hours a week = $520 a week x 4 = $2080. $2080 x 12 = $24960

subtract taxes = 2080 - 300 = $1780

What is the average starting salary for the job you want? (Use the 90% make amount)

If you aren't sure what job you want, use Naviance. You can log on to Naviance with your Schoology sign in information. 

Naviance is a great tool for careers, colleges, and future planning.

think high school GIF by Paramount MoviesWhat college would you like to attend and why? Think about school size, location, cost, and diversity. 

Check out the colleges you might want to attend. What are the requirements? Cost? Compare and contrast a few college options. College results is a great place to start. 

Now think about your goals for high school. What activities do you want to be involved in? Are you going to take AP classes? What do you want your cumulative GPA to be?
Your Ten-year plan should include:

One paragraph about where you see yourself ten years from now. 
The next paragraph should be about your college vision. What kind of campus are you aiming toward. What will your GPA need to be and how much will it cost to move away for college. 
And finally, what are your plans for high school? Grades? AP courses? SAT test prep? Sports? Arts? Clubs? Volunteering? 

I'm so excited what high school has to offer you. Please turn these plans in by tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 39

10-Year Plans: Budget & Career, College Research, High School Planning

HW: Last week of reading journals! RJ 18.1-18.4 due Friday.
No school Monday for Memorial Day!

We only have a couple of more weeks of instruction left y'all. Next Monday, June 1 will be our last class :( 

Zoom today at 9 and 10:15! 

Check-in: How are you feeling about summer vacation? 

Scoring was tough so I am acknowledging all of our participating poets! Macy, Jonathan, Natalia, Nylah, Destin, Canell, Key, Jade, Nehemiah, Vanessa, Izzy, Andrys, Olivia, and Skylar... 

Congrats poets! And our winning slam team... Period 2. Proud of you all!

If you haven't started thinking about your ten-year plans, start here: 

Ten-Year Plan

Where do you see yourself in ten years? 
How old are you? 
Where are you living? 
What are you doing for a living? 

How much does your life cost per month? 

Housing (rent):
utilities (water/power):
car payment:
car insurance:
student loans:

Can you afford the life you imagine?

California minimum wage is $13.00 an hour so 40 hours a week = $520 a week x 4 = $2080. $2080 x 12 = $24960

subtract taxes = 2080 - 300 = $1780

What is the average starting salary for the job you want? (Use the 90% make amount)

If you aren't sure what job you want, use Naviance. You can log on to Naviance with your Schoology sign in information. 

Naviance is a great tool for careers, colleges, and future planning. 

What college would you like to attend and why? Think about the size and location of the college, cost and diversity. Check out the colleges you might want to attend. What are the requirements? Cost? Compare and contrast a few college options. College results is a great place to start. 

Now think about your goals for high school. What activities do you want to be involved in? Are you going to take AP classes? What do you want your cumulative GPA to be? 

Those are the three paragraphs that are due Friday. Each should be four to five sentences

10 year vision
College goal
High School Plan

We are making it down the home stretch y'all! Keep it up and bring those grades up where you can. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 38

10-Year Plans: Budget and Career Salaries 

HW: Last week of reading journals! RJ 18.1 Read for 20-30 minutes. 

Happy Tuesday. Thanks to everyone who attended and participated in our Poetry Slam today. I'm so impressed by all of the poetry you all produced this spring. If you are ok with your poems being shared on the Emerson website please let me know!

Check-in: What is your dream college? 

OK, so if you haven't thought about your ten-year plan, start by thinking about where you want to live and what you want to be doing with your life. 

Ten-Year Plan

Where do you see yourself? 
How old are you? 
Where are you living? 
What are you doing for a living? 

How much does your life cost per month? 
Housing (rent):
utilities (water/power):
car payment:
car insurance:
student loans:

Can you afford the life you imagine?

California minimum wage is $13.00 an hour so 40 hours a week = $520 a week x 4 = $2080. $2080 x 12 = $24960

subtract taxes = 2080 - 300 = $1780

What is the average starting salary for the job you want? (Use the 90% make amount)

If you aren't sure what job you want, use Naviance. You can log on to Naviance with your Schoology sign in information. 

Naviance is a great tool for careers, colleges, and future planning. 

Check out a college you might want to attend. What are the requirements? Cost? Compare and contrast a few college options. 

Tomorrow we will think about what you plan to do in high school in order to prepare for the college you want to attend. See you then!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 37

Q - Q- Song
Poetry Slam!
10-Year Plan

HW: Last week of reading journals! RJ 18.1 Read for 20-30 minutes. 

We only have a few more Mondays, y'all. I don't even know what to say about it. 

OK, check-in: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? This will be part of our future planning that we will finish the year thinking about. 

Quote: "Awards become corroded. Friends gather no dust." Jesse Owens
What do you think this American Olympic champion means?

Question: What awards/accomplishments can you use on college and scholarship applications? 

Song: "It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday" Boyz II Men
What is this song about? 
Favorite Lyric? 


Enjoy the performances. Use the chat to shout out support and clap and snap on screen to show your love for these poets!

I will announce the Slam Poet Champions on Wednesday. 

If you are interested in being a speaker or greeter for culmination, please let me know! Send me a message in the chat during our Zoom class or on Schoology and upload your audition by Wednesday! 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 36

2017 Graduation Speech
Poetry Slam Sign-Up
10-Year Plan

HW: Read for 20-30 minutes and record. Turn in signed RJs 17.1 - 17.4.
Graduation speeches due!

Another week just about done! Zoom today at 1:00 for a last graduation speech, Poetry Slam info and starting our Ten-Year Plans. 

Please make sure you take a look at Schoology in my class and in your others to make sure you complete missing/incomplete assignments. 

Any last sign ups for the poetry slam? Just send me a message if you want to me added to the queue. 

the future GIF
OK, now let's talk about ten-year plans. 

Write these notes in your English notebook:

Ten-Year Plan

Where do you see yourself? 
How old are you? 
Where are you living? 
What are you doing for a living? 

How much does your life cost per month? 

Housing (rent):
utilities (water/power):
car payment:
car insurance:
student loans:

Can you afford the life you imagine?

California minimum wage is $13.00 an hour so 40 hours a week = $520 a week x 4 = $2080. $2080 x 12 = $24960
subtract taxes = 2080 - 300 = $1780

What is the average starting salary for the job you want? (Use the 90% make amount)
If you aren't sure what job you want, use Naviance. You can log on to Naviance with your Schoology sign in information. 

Naviance is a great tool for careers, colleges, and future planning. 

Keep thinking about what you want for yourself in the years to come! 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 35

2020 Graduation Speech
Poetry Slam Sign-Up

HW: RJ 17.3 read for 20-30 minutes and record. 

Hey all. Can you feel it? I'm starting to. It's starting to feel like the end of the year. 

Zoom classes today are at 9:00 and 10:15. See you there!

Check-in for today: What is your favorite quote? 

Ok, so here is my culmination speech (at least the draft I have so far). *Ms. Nakada reads her speech to the class. 

Clapping GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY* insert wild applause. 

OK, so now, I need to set the stage for our Poetry Slam! 

I have gotten some amazing pieces. You can either give me permission to enter your video as submitted, or you could perform it live here on Zoom, but I'll be giving 20 points extra credit to all participants so go for it!!!

It is a great event and tradition and I don't want it to die... 😟😢☹️

That is all! Have a good rest of your week.

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 34

2018 Graduation Speech
Quote and Topic Brainstorm

HW: RJ 17.2 read for 20-30 minutes and record. 

OK, it's Tuesday so we will Zoom at 1:00. 15 week grades are due tomorrow so make sure you get work turned in!

Here is my graduation speech from 2018. 

So, last year's speech was urging people to have the courage to take a stand for who they are and what they believe in. 
Two years ago it was about making the most of the most of each moment in our lives. 

What is this year's speech about? 

What are some topics that come to mind? I'm thinking about letting go of expectations, slowing down, or focusing on one thing at a time. 

If you are having a hard time with a topic, you can think about themes we've discussed in class like: the importance of telling your story/your truth, not judging people based on stereotypes, taking a stand for what you believe, or following the golden rule. 

Another strategy for a topic could be to think of a favorite quote or lyric from a song and using that to inspire your speech. 

"We've come a long way from where we began
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again." Wiz Khalifah

5 Ways to Write Through Tough Emotions—Because 'To All the Boys I ...or 

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Find people who will make you better.” – Michelle Obama

You can also think of a moment in your middle school experience, an instant when you learned a lesson about life or love or friendship. 

Hopefully these help you get started on a brilliant speech! Go write it!

Ms. Nakada Virtual Classroom: Day 44

Agenda: Check-in Q - Q - Song LAST DAY!!! HW: Letters to yourself, me, and a future eighth grader.  This is it! Our last Zoom...