Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 13

“There Are Birds Here” Jamal May

HW: RJ 12.3 Read a poem and record tone and summary. 

Happy National Poetry Month! It's April, my daughter's birthday, and my birthday month. 😊 🎂 👏
Our Zoom class is today at 9:00. https://lausd.zoom.us/j/810070746

For check-in today, what do you miss most about being out in the world? 

For your reading journal today please start a list of poems you'll read like this:

RJ #      Date     Poem Title             Author        Tone               Three-word summary           

Here is today's poem: 

Read through the poem 2-3 times (preferably out loud). What feeling do you get from the poem? What is it about? What do you notice happening in this poem? Annotate and make sense of this poem.

Here are my annotations.

Now, go ahead and write your own poem. 

WTWrites2019_DAY-1-color.jpgHere are a few possible prompts:

1) Jamal May uses a dedication: for Detroit in his poem. Write a poem with a dedication. 

2) From last years' Winter Tangerine prompt a day. "You wake in the belly of a poem. How did you get there?"

3) This one is from Writer's Digest: "For today’s prompt, write a cycle poem. There are no endings—only new beginnings, right? Well, that’s how cycles work anyway. For this poem, you can write about a cycle of life. Or you could write a poem that features a bicycle or tricycle. Heck, your poem could be about recycling. Have at it!

Remember: These prompts are just springboards; you have the freedom to jump in any direction you want."

Monday, March 30, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 12

"Because You Asked..." by Howard Nemorov 

HW: RJ 12.2 Read for 20-30 minutes.

Bird in Snow Fine Art Print, Animal Photography Print, Bird ...
Hey, all. That class yesterday with 100 students was crazy! Thanks for making it, and if that many of you keep coming to the Zoom classes, I will start doing two sessions so we can have more discussion. Our class/office hours are at 1:00 today. https://lausd.zoom.us/j/169951141

Today, we are looking at the poem, "Because You Asked About the Line Between Prose and Poetry by Howard Nemorov. 

I suggest you copy the poem down or print a copy if you have access to a printer so you can annotate. 

Read through the poem 2-3 times (preferably out loud). What feeling do you get from the poem? What is it about? What makes this a poem? 

Here are my annotations:  

Now take out your NaPoWriMo Notes:

Q: How do you know if what you write is actually a poem?

A: Look for elements of poetry:  lines, stanzas, line breaks, rhyme, rhyme scheme, slant rhyme, rhythm, repetition, imagery, alliteration, metaphor, simile, feeling/tone, onomatopoeia, form/structure.

Be ready to write a poem tomorrow! 

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 11

Boundaries/Learning Spaces
Q. Q. & Song
Intro to Poetry

HW: RJ 12.1 Read for 20-30 minutes.

Hey all. Hope you're doing as well as you can during this crazy time. Please know this: whatever you can do right now, it is enough. Be kind to yourself when there is so much change and uncertainty. 

Our Zoom call is today at 9:00. Hope to see you there. If you plan to go to the Zoom, we will work through and discuss everything in the blog. If you don't participate in the Zoom, make sure you do everything in the rest of the blog.   https://lausd.zoom.us/j/810070746

How are you feeling today? Take a few breaths and really think about how you are right now. Feel free to answer this and other questions in the comments below!

Think about your learning space. Make sure you have your English materials out and create a space where you will do schoolwork. Maybe it's the corner of a table like I'm using, or the foot of your bed. This is called creating boundaries: a space where you do school work so you come here to do work. Then, you leave or pack up this space when you're done with school. Here's more about the importance of these kinds of boundaries. 

Millie Bobby Brown Mind Blown GIF by Converse - Find & Share on GIPHYSo, hopefully you're sitting in your English space and have written down the agenda. 

Here's our quote of the week: "If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry." Emily Dickinson 

Emily Dickinson was an American poet who lived in Massachusetts during the 1800s. Click on the link if you want to learn more about her. 

Make sure you write what you think she means by this. Do you think it is literal or figurative? 

Question of the week: How do you feel about poetry? 

Answer honestly and explain why. 

Song of the week: "Times They Are a Changin'" by Bob Dylan. Make sure you write what you think the song is about and your favorite lyric. Are there elements of poetry here? 

In your English Notebook, start a new page in your Table of Contents and title it "Intro to NaPoWriMo."

These are the notes you should have on this page:  

That's it for today! If you haven't turned in any work on Schoology, make sure you turn in RJs 9, 10, and 11, your Literature Circle Essays and Final Book Projects. 

Have a good day and I'll see you tomorrow. Zoom class/office hours are tomorrow at 1:00. 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 10

Agenda: independent study
Submit Final Book Projects

HW: Do something new! 

Hey y'all. Congrats on making it through these two weeks. Remember when we thought this was all we would miss and we'd be back on March 30th? Well, it looks like we won't be back until May at the earliest, so today, get that book project finished up and turned in. Then get those reading journals turned in. Finally, relax. Turn off the screen and breathe if you can. Try to just focus on your breath and not think about any worries or stresses. No Zoom class today... 

Have a great weekend, ok. Maybe learn something new!  

If you want to doodle, I did Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems this week with my kids and that was fun. Or maybe go to a dance party online with dnice on insta. Or master that Tik Tok dance. Have fun. Be free. Be kids. 

See you all on Monday. 

Miss you GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 9

Agenda: independent study
Book Projects!

HW: Read 20-30 minutes. 
RJs 11..1-11.4 due tomorrow. Get them signed!
Book Projects due tomorrow. 

I can't believe we have been doing this for nine days, y'all! I hope you're holding up okay. It's starting to feel like a new normal, but it's also a LOT of different. 

There will be a new schedule for Zoom classes starting next week. 

Mine will be M/W: 9:00 - 9:50 https://lausd.zoom.us/j/9699628091
T/TH: 1:00 - 1:30/50 (Tuesday is a shortened day)  https://lausd.zoom.us/j/169951141

Schoology for communication from other teachers about their class times.
Image result for internment book by

I will also continue to ask you all to read and check in on the blog so I know you're with me. 

As for today, I hope you've been reading a good book. I've been reading Internment by Samira Ahmed but for my book project I'm doing a story map of Just Mercy by Bryan Stephenson and I'll post a picture of it tomorrow. 

Hopefully some of you will post good book recommendations in the comments and I can post some of those in the blog Friday. 

So, book projects are due tomorrow as are reading journals so make sure you get those turned in. 

Thanks, y'all, for adjusting so well to this new way of learning. You're awesome. 

Zoom class today at 1:00. Hope to see you there!  https://lausd.zoom.us/j/169951141

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 8

Agenda: independent study
Essay submissions

HW: Read 20-30 minutes. 
Turn in Essays!

Hey all. So, we had a faculty meeting yesterday that outlined a schedule for Zoom classes. You should be able to see that on the Emerson webpage soon. 

Because of this new schedule I will be adjusting our Zoom class meeting times: 

Monday and Wednesday: 9:00-9:50
Tuesday and Thursday: 1:00-1:50
Friday: No class! GO to PE!

It's not that different, but should allow you to see other teachers throughout the week. 

OK, so for today, you need to make sure you turn in your essays. 

If you aren't sure what those should look like, read through the last three blogs for full sample essays and revision and editing strategies. 

Send me your best work!

Turn it in on Schoology and then get started on that book project! Those are due Friday. Make sure you take the AR test for the book and record it on the grading sheet. 

good morning monday GIFOK, our Zoom class today is moving to the new schedule, so we're on at 9:00. I know. It's early, but you can handle it. I believe in you!
Here's the link. See you there. 


Monday, March 23, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 7

Agenda: independent study
Essay editing strategies
Read 20-30 minutes

Hey all. Happy Tuesday! Today's blog will be a little shorter because it's a short Tuesday. 🤣

But really, it will be shorter: shorter blog and shorter Zoom call. 1:00 - 1:30 because teachers have a meeting at 1:30 so... make sure you have questions ready for tomorrow. 

Ok, so today you're editing your essays. Yesterday you revised and looked to strengthen the meaning of your writing. You are making sure all of your evidence supports your thesis. 

Today you are checking:

your academic vocabulary (do you vary your word choices)
writer’s sentence formations vary in structure (do your sentences start differently and vary in length or do you sound like a robot.)
writer uses correct capitalization and punctuation (check for caps for all names and titles!)
writer uses consistent, formal language POV, verb tense, and active voice (present tense, third person and take out all "me"s and "I" s)
writer exhibits few errors in spelling or grammar usage (spell check and read it aloud as if you were checking the blog). 

 Make sure you do this before you get ready to submit your essay. 

You should rewrite it of type it so it is your best work. Show me what you can do!

Assignment is now up in Schoology so you can submit it there. 

Our Zoom class today is at 1 and I'll do my best not to mute myself... 

I can't wait to read your brilliant words!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 6

Agenda: independent study
Q. Q. Song
essay revising

HW: Read 20-30 minutes

Hey everyone! Hope you had a good weekend. I am sitting here thinking about how different things are today compared to a couple of weeks ago. That life before seems like it was so long ago. What do you miss about life before? 

Ok, let's get to our quote of the week: "To every girl out there, to every boy out there, [...] who just wants to live their dream out, you are not lesser just because you're a girl. You are not better just because you're a boy." Megan Rapinoe 

Megan Rapinoe is a member of the US Women's National Soccer team and has been fighting for equal pay for women on the national team. 

Make sure you write about what you think she means. 

Question of the Week: What are you most afraid of? 

Song of the Week: "This is a Man's World" by James Brown

This is a man's world, this is a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a Girl

You see, man made the cars to take us over the road
Man made the trains to carry heavy loads
Man made electric light to take us out of the dark
Man made the boat for the water, like Noah made the ark
This is a man's, a man's, a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a Girl

Man thinks about a little baby girls and a baby boys
Man makes then happy 'cause man makes them toys
And after man has made everything, everything he can
You know that man makes money to buy from other man
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a Girl

He's lost in the wilderness
He's lost in bitterness

Make sure you write what you think this song is about and your favorite lyric. 

OK, the only other thing you need to do today is read through your essays. I recommend you read them out loud to a friend on the phone or someone at home. 

Title: do you have one? 

Intro paragraph: 
Do you have a strong lead? 
Do you state your thesis?
Are your reasons clear? 

Body paragraphs: 
Is your reason clear? 
Do you cite the best evidence to support your reason? 
Do you have page numbers for at least two pieces of evidence? 
Do you connect your evidence back to your reason and your thesis? 

Do you have a conclusion? 
Do you summarize your reasons? 
Do you restate your thesis? 
Do you connect to your lead? 

That's it for today!

Our Zoom call is at 9:30 if you have questions and want to check in. 


Make sure you check in on the blog or on Remind. If you haven't submitted RJs 9 or 10, please do so. Those of you who have should have scores on Schoology. 

Have a great day. Keep washing your hands and stay safe and at home!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Post for Day 5: Virtual Classroom

writing conclusions
resources available
HW: Reach out to a couple of classmates you haven't heard from and find out how they are doing. 

Hey everyone. Well, we made it through the first week of this home-schooling. 

I hope you all are holding up okay. It really is an unprecedented time we are living through. 

So, today we are finishing up our essays. Please write your conclusions. These are very similar to your introductions in that you should

  • summarize your reasons
  • repeat your thesis
  • reconnect to your lead
Here are all of the essays I've written for you to check out. I know, it's a lot of essays. You only need to read the one that is for YOUR PROMPT! Don't get lost in all of these essays and JUST LOOK AT CONCLUSIONS. 

Thanks for reading and hanging out this week. If you haven't turned in your reading journals, take a picture and turn it in on Schoology. If you can't figure that you can send it to me on Remind. If you still haven't joined my Remind, text to 81010 the text: @nakada. Also, please check in here in the comments or on Remind so I know you read through to the end. 

Our Zoom class today is at 9:30. I know Ms. Shanley is also holding one, so make sure you attend hers if you are confused by the math. 

Your homework this weekend is to reach out to someone who hasn't been here. We have a few classmates to track down. Please reach out to: Ricky, David, Nadia, Henry, Ryan, Key, Rosendo, Efrayim, Zohara, Alissia, Fabian, Adrian, Jullan, Violeta, Chianti, Paras, and Aileen. 

Thanks, and have a good weekend! 
Image result for free wifi due to school closures covid 19 wifi image

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Post for Day 4: Virtual Classroom

Essay Body Paragraph #3

HW: RJ 10.3 Read for 20-30 min. 
Get RJ signed! Take a picture and send it to me. Weeks 9 and 10 please! 

Hey, y'all. We're almost done with our first week of online learning. How is it going for you so far? Do you like it? What could we do differently to make it easier? 

OK, you should be getting close to finishing your essays. This should be Body Paragraph #3 (for real and not a typo like yesterday). Some of the prompts don't really require a third body paragraph depending on how you organized your essay. Ok, remember to:

ü  use transitions to introduce reasoning and clarify relationships between ideas
ü  provide the strongest, most relevant, specific evidence through quotes and paraphrases (including page #s)
ü  elaborate on evidence to support reasoning, addresses/acknowledges opposing arguments
ü  connect reasoning to the thesis

Here are your sample essays to help guide you. 

Our Zoom today is at 1:00 pm. It's a great chance to see classmates or ask questions you might have about the work or about the crazy state of the world. 

You all are doing great so far. I'm proud of you :) Make sure you comment so I know you're here (on Remind or here, please!). 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Post for Day 3: Virtual Classroom

Essay Body Paragraph #2

HW: RJ 10.3 Read for 20-30 min.

Wow, it's already Wednesday. I hope you are holding up ok. What kinds of things are you finding yourself doing at home to not go crazy? Did any of you do anything to celebrate St. Patrick's Day yesterday? Here is a link to a limerick writing guide if you want to try one of these poems:


Are any of you feeling stressed out? Remember to breath.

meditation breathe GIF

Well, if it helps to do the school work, for today, you should get body paragraph #3 written.

Here are samples for all 7 prompts. I hope these are helpful for your drafts.

Take care y'all! Remember to check in either here in the comments, on Remind, or in our Zoom session. Our Zoom session today is at 9:30.


Set that alarm, get up and get ready for the day, and I will see you there.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Post for Day 2: Virtual Classroom

Essay Body Paragraph #1

HW: RJ 10.2 Read 20-30 minutes

Hey everyone. Well, we made it through day 1. Way to go. So good to see so many of you checking in here in the comments, or on Zoom or Remind or through Schoology. There are a few of you (or your classmates) who haven't checked in yet. If any of your friends are missing, please try to contact them and make sure they're ok. 

So, for today, we're just working on the first body paragraphs of our essays. Make sure you introduce your reason, and then provide evidence and explanations that support your reason. Make sure you refer to the check list and:

ü  use transitions to introduce reasoning and clarify relationships between ideas
ü  provide the strongest, most relevant, specific evidence through quotes and paraphrases (including page #s)
ü  elaborate on evidence to support reasoning, addresses/acknowledges opposing arguments
ü  connect reasoning to the thesis

Here are your sample body essays:  

OK, that's all for today. Make sure you are taking care of yourselves and your health. Things are so uncertain, so even if you think it's silly to think of schoolwork right now, it can be a nice distraction from everything else going on in the world.

Make sure you comment on the blog or check in with me on Remind (send a message to 81010 with the text @nakada to sign up). Feel free to send paragraphs for me to check or ask for quotes, or any other help you might need on this essay. 

You all are awesome. I miss seeing you and I'm so sorry you are having this very strange eighth grade year.

Our Zoom class today is at 1:00 for those of you who are interested. Download the app and click this link to join us!

Ms. Nakada's Blog for Independent Study Day 1

Q. Q. Song
Essay Introductions
HW: RJ 10.1 Read for 20-30 minutes.

Hey all. I hope you had a good weekend. I mean, things sure escalated quickly, right? I understand if you're feeling stressed, anxious, or down. That is totally normal. I'm posting blogs and I hope you'll check in. These are strange times, but maybe keeping our class routine will be good for us.

So, first, go ahead and write down the agenda. Yep. Take out your binder reminder and write it for today.

Then, go ahead and write the quote:

"To be a woman is to be forever vigilant against violence." Rebecca Solnit

San Francisco writer, historian, and activist Rebecca Solnit is the author of twenty-some books about geography, community, art, politics, hope, and feminism.

Respond by writing what you think the author means.

Here is our question of the week: What is the best/hardest part of this school closure? Please answer both the best and hardest parts of the question!

Song of the Week: "I'm Only Happy When It Rains" by Garbage.
This song is about...
Favorite Lyric?

OK, feel free to write any of your responses in the comments.

Now, let's talk about your essays. I assigned prompts on Friday, but lots of you were absent, so if you need me to assign you a prompt, send me a message with your top three preferences and I'll tell you which one to write.

Now, get started on your intro. You can hand write this or type it; it's up to you.

Make sure you start with a lead, include your thesis and your plan. Some of you already have yours written!

Below are samples for all of the prompts. If you want me to check yours, again, you can put it in the comments or send me an email or use remind (you can easily send pictures there).

Once you are done, make sure you read tonight and take care of yourself. I'm proud of you for making it here to the blog. Hopefully these samples help you and you write your intros, no problem.

If you have questions, send them to me on Remind (@nakada), or in the comments here, on twitter (@MsNakadaTweets) or email me.

I'm also going to use Zoom to do a video conference each day. So today at 9:30, if you want a face-to-face, log on and I'll be there. You don't have to put your face on the screen, you don't have to say anything. These are totally optional. I'm holding one Zoom a day, 9:30 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9:30 am and 1:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Check in and let us know how you are doing.

Here is the Zoom link. Download the app and let's see how it goes! https://zoom.us/j/598634526

Make sure you comment below so I know you made it here. Take care, wash your hands and stay away from crowds! Miss you all 😞

Friday, March 13, 2020

ilia's 3 blog

Blog- Corrections

collect SLL forms

Mental Health Care

Essay Prompt

HW: Stay Connected online!

Hey guys this s Ilia, and this is my third blog, it's a really short day so I will try to do something.
So today we started to talk about Michigan and how they have bad water, then Ms. Nakada told us to breathe it an out, hold and breathe again we were doing that for like a min, I will come back when it's done. Hey Im back and Ms. Nakada told us to wake up at 6 or 7, and we have to do our homework, and how bad it is to sit next to computer, I mean that's the only thing I do, and Im gonna play 13 hours and then do something idk, then she told us to stop watching TV, News and Friends. Now Ms. Nakada talking about a zoom i don't know what's  that. Then Ms. Nakada said we have to go some were and spend time outside. YOU HAVE TO SLEEP! I mean i didn't say that Ms. Nakada told you that. So now avery one started to talk. The day is going fast i think it's because of the sort day;) Nothing is happening right now so Im gonna go be right back.

Alr the bell about to ring good bye take care play game spend a good time with ur family see u guys;)
and I pick Deniel for the next blog, u gonna have to do I in 2 week's.  

Joshua's Third Blog

Blog corrections
collect SLC forms

3 week plan
Essay prep
HW RJ 9.4 read for 20-30

Hi, so today I was chosen to do the blog. While Denise was reading her blog, Ms. Nakada told everyone to be quiet until she is done reading. Ms. Nakada is now giving instructions about what to do in case the school closes because of the Covid-19. She is also passing out sheets with information about what website do we go and how to comment in the blog to "take attendance." She explains why it's better to do work in home if they cancel school, nobody wants to retake school on vacation.

Careful, she is now warning that it is more the risk of having the Coronavirus for an elder than to young people but even though, we have to do the necessary to prevent it. The last book project form is being passed on now, and Ms. Nakada is explaining that we should already have four out of five prompts done. I don't know, I didn't understand how many we should have done. The class isn't talking too much. That's weird, but I guess everyone wants a good grade... never mind, it's back again.

Well, the bell is about to ring, and I have to go to sixth period. Wash your hands, be positive, I choose Ilia for the blog, and goodbye.

Ms. Nakada Virtual Classroom: Day 44

Agenda: Check-in Q - Q - Song LAST DAY!!! HW: Letters to yourself, me, and a future eighth grader.  This is it! Our last Zoom...