Thursday, August 29, 2019

Nelson's First Blog

Book project presentations/
collections reader's workshop
HW Have a restful four-day 

Picture day Wed. September 4

As the class started we wrote down the agenda, then Alejandra chooses me, and I knew it before she called me. She looked at me like you know it's you. As she called me my heart dropped like a tactaical nuke incoming, and I knew she would call me. However, as the period goes on, Ms. Nakada starts talking about The Outsiders.  They talk about the the poem in the book and how nothing lasts forever, just like leaves growing on a tree eventually fall off. They keep discussing the poem in The Outsiders, and as they are about to turn to the page Ms. Nakada spots the word Eden and everyone sighs and she yells at the students and says, "What does Eden mean!" The students start to get scared and sprint to the back of the room, and Ms. Nakada keeps on yelling the students, and one student raises their hand slowly with fear.

Ms. Nakada then calls on them, and they give a good guess then Ms. Nakada slowly says "No nice try, really no one," and then she calms down due to the fact someone tried, and explains is a type of Garden.

Then, the class returns to their seats and calm down, however then evil Ms. Nakada then comes out again, and yells at everyone saying does EVERYONE HAVE THEIR BOOK PROJECTS!?! Nearly the whole class doesn't have their projects ready. Ms. Nakada then realizes that she has been evil all day she decides to turn back to the nicest English teacher, and gives everyone 'til Tuesday as the class signs as she tells them they gotta do the work. Finally, we came to the end of this blog. I felt like I was sitting here working for hours like the regular day went slower, and slower. However, I'm at the end. Thanks for the pick, Alejandra. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Alejandra's first blog

Blog corrections
RJ check
AR star
readers working

HW: RJ 2.3 T.O. p. 68-84

Today, we started correcting Joshua's first blog. After we finished correcting his blog, Ms. Nakada starts checking the reading journals. After, she asks the class who wants to read their summary about chapter four in The Outsiders. Ms. Nakada calls up a student for not doing his homework and the boy gets embarassed, because Ms. Nakada called his brother. Anyways, after Ms. Nakada calls his brother, the class goes over the book. 

In chapter four on The Outsiders, Johnny kills a Soc named Bob. The Socs ran after they saw Johnny kill Bob. Chapter four was very crazy, not just according to me, but the class too. Then, Ms. Nakada and the class are going back and forth because the class is debating if Johnny killing Bob was a good solution. Next, they go to schoology, and go to the courses, and in the section there is the Reniassance link in the 5th period class, and she has  them take the Star test. The class took the test, and it was time to go to the next period.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Joshua's First Blog

 Blog - Corrections
Reading Journal
Reader's workshop
Homework - RJ 2.2 T.O. p.53-67

        While writing this blog the previous Wakanda blog is being corrected. I will not be doing the story, reason were I don't find it nice. Anyway, the class will be having their journals checked by Nakada, and reading it to their partners. In the chapter, we soon learn multiple bits of info, but the most surprising is Cherry confesses to Pony that she could fall for Dally if she see him again, which by the plot stand point, came out of no where. Dally was annoying both social girls, and the one who seemed to hate Dally the most, Cherry, fell in love with him.
       We soon learn that Cherry said Socials are supposed to feel nothing regarding nothing of their feelings, which is the contrary to the Greasers. That's what separates the two gangs. When the discussion of The Outsiders finished, we are then doing AR, but since it's a Tuesday, we didn't get on AR. Everyone is packing up, and this is the end of my turn on the blog.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Efraim's First Blog

Blog correction
collect summer passports
reader's/writer's workshop

HW: RJ 2.1 T.O. p. 37-52

          We start today by reading quotes, but for some reason I didn't paid attention, I dunno why? "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." Ralph Waldo Emerson. After that, Ms. Nakada played a song in class. It was calm-full, as everybody was quiet, until the song finished. "We're Going to Be Friends" was the name, but like everything in life, Ms. Nakada had to make this into a lesson about nostalgia. We then turned in summer passports. After all of that, we started to finish our Cornell Notes on reading strategies, and we didn't finish.

          After all of this, we did some notes about stuff, bla bla bla, and it was already time to go to the next period, lol?.

        In the end, I am sorry to dissapoint some of you, all of you, but I'm gonna be honest. I didn't hear the last blog, MAYBE next time you won't pick on me! This was a lot of fun. I can't wait for me to never go again, mm, the dark still lives on. The witch comes out of the classroom, lol?



Friday, August 23, 2019

Aaron's Random Blog Post

Blog Corrections
Reader's Workshop
Summer Passport
Due 8/26/19
Book Projects
Due 8/29/19

Today in class, we talked about The Outsiders Chapter 2 that we have summarized last night. The summary consists of important details in the chapter like the flashback and the Socs problem. After that, we have Readers Workshop where we can read any book we like.

Well, that’s how we passed the time here when Ms. Nakada is out there searching for students to answer that one math questions and turned them to stone. Only five students have been turned to stone and are resting at the door in their petrified state, Making it harder for us to escape. The only cover we got to not get caught is in the tables covered with backpacks, and sweaters. Whenever Ms. Nakada is close we usually tell a signal to get away as soon of possible in that area and go somewhere far away.

When a student is caught, red symbols started to grow on the student’s face then it spread quickly. At least ten seconds, and then hands started to come out on the ground to pull the student into the ground and to the board where Ms. Nakada asked the question again on the board. There is no way to escape this place. No one have a homework pass and all the students here are too terrified to think anything. All of a sudden a red light is passing over them. It’s Ms. Nakada.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Dalina's first blog

Blog corrections
Reading Strategies:
annotate summarize question
HW RJ 1.2 T.O.
Summer passports
due 8-26
Book Projects
due 8-29

Today, we are talking about The Outsiders Chapter 1 that we read last night. We summarized the chapter to three words Ch.1: greaser v. socs, proposal, and we started writing Cornell notes.

The students look at Parras with anger as Ms. Nakada turns into a horrifying witch. Then the students got to the corner, away from Ms. Nakada. As she tears up the classroom, with the students trying to open the door, but they realize its locked. They start trying to open the door and hide at the same time while their teacher is looking for the students. A student decides to throw something at the door to try to open it, they throw their backpack at the door but, to no prevail and even worse Ms. Nakada saw them and now knows where her students are.

She points at the student, and says, "What is the answer to question five?" When the student looks up at the board, they see a high school level math equation. They are too scared to ask why there is a math question in a English class. They answer but the answer they gave was wrong, then they turned to stone.

                                                                      To be continued...

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Paras' Wakanda Blog of 8-21-2019

collect HW 1 and 2
notes and reading journal set-up
The Outsiders
HW: RJ 1.1 T.O. p. 1-18

Today, Ms. Nakada is collecting all of the course outlines and homework that the students did yesterday. We are going to be writing notes, and we will be making sure that we do our homework. Also, we will have to set up our RJ (Reading Journal) so we can do our homework. Today's homework will be setting up our Reading Journal from 1.1 To P1-18! Also, please do not forget to turn in your  passports summer for book projects before or on Monday, August, 26th! As the blogger is doing his majestic work, Ms. Nakada mysteriously calls out random students names. The blogger suspiciously turns around as his name is also called. Ms. Nakada is checking who has turned in their homework.

Ms. Nakada passed out The Outsiders and we started reading.

As the students are scared to death by the evil plans of Ms. Nakada, The Blog Panther! The evil Ms. Nakada viciously growls at the Blog Panther and charges at him. The evil Ms. Nakada is about to give The Blog Panther a fail, but suddenly The Blog Panther takes out a piece of paper....

IT'S A HOMEWORK PASS! The evil Ms. Nakada yells out in agony as she reverts back to her human form. The Blog Panther hides in the shadows and the blogger comes out. The blogger is cheered and then the blogger makes an extremely bad pun that causes Ms. Nakada to become a witch again. The pun is... Witch Ms. Nakada are you?

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ms. Nakada's First Day of School Blog

Course Outline
Letter from me

1. Get course outline signed.
2. Letter to Ms. Nakada
3. Summer assignments due Monday, August 26th: Summer Passport and Book Projects

It's the first day of school!

My fifth period class entered the room and found their new seats. I passed out sketch books, and students started by writing down the agenda as I signed schedules. Then, I passed out the course outline, and students read as I took attendance.

We read through the course outline, and students seemed to understand what to do in my class.

Then, I passed out the syllabus which we will go over tomorrow.

Finally, I read my letter to students. Everyone started their letters to me, and we came up with this amazing blog name: WAKANDA.

That was it. Amazing. So excited about this school year. Fifth period is off to a good start.

Ms. Nakada Virtual Classroom: Day 44

Agenda: Check-in Q - Q - Song LAST DAY!!! HW: Letters to yourself, me, and a future eighth grader.  This is it! Our last Zoom...