Book project presentations/
collections reader's workshop
HW Have a restful four-day
Picture day Wed. September 4
As the class started we wrote down the agenda, then Alejandra chooses me, and I knew it before she called me. She looked at me like you know it's you. As she called me my heart dropped like a tactaical nuke incoming, and I knew she would call me. However, as the period goes on, Ms. Nakada starts talking about The Outsiders. They talk about the the poem in the book and how nothing lasts forever, just like leaves growing on a tree eventually fall off. They keep discussing the poem in The Outsiders, and as they are about to turn to the page Ms. Nakada spots the word Eden and everyone sighs and she yells at the students and says, "What does Eden mean!" The students start to get scared and sprint to the back of the room, and Ms. Nakada keeps on yelling the students, and one student raises their hand slowly with fear.
Ms. Nakada then calls on them, and they give a good guess then Ms. Nakada slowly says "No nice try, really no one," and then she calms down due to the fact someone tried, and explains is a type of Garden.
Then, the class returns to their seats and calm down, however then evil Ms. Nakada then comes out again, and yells at everyone saying does EVERYONE HAVE THEIR BOOK PROJECTS!?! Nearly the whole class doesn't have their projects ready. Ms. Nakada then realizes that she has been evil all day she decides to turn back to the nicest English teacher, and gives everyone 'til Tuesday as the class signs as she tells them they gotta do the work. Finally, we came to the end of this blog. I felt like I was sitting here working for hours like the regular day went slower, and slower. However, I'm at the end. Thanks for the pick, Alejandra.