collect HW 1 and 2
notes and reading journal set-up
The Outsiders
HW: RJ 1.1 T.O. p. 1-18
collect HW 1 and 2
notes and reading journal set-up
The Outsiders
HW: RJ 1.1 T.O. p. 1-18

Ms. Nakada passed out The Outsiders and we started reading.
As the students are scared to death by the evil plans of Ms. Nakada, The Blog Panther! The evil Ms. Nakada viciously growls at the Blog Panther and charges at him. The evil Ms. Nakada is about to give The Blog Panther a fail, but suddenly The Blog Panther takes out a piece of paper....
IT'S A HOMEWORK PASS! The evil Ms. Nakada yells out in agony as she reverts back to her human form. The Blog Panther hides in the shadows and the blogger comes out. The blogger is cheered and then the blogger makes an extremely bad pun that causes Ms. Nakada to become a witch again. The pun is... Witch Ms. Nakada are you?
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