Blog corrections
Taking a stand
Lit. Circle
HW: Have a safe weekend
Book project due 2/7
Hiii guysss. Today, I was chosen to do my third blog, but don't worry, David, I choose you. Anyways, we started the class with taking a stand and to write about one day you took a stand. Then, Ms. Nakada asked the class if anybody wanted to share what they wrote. After that, the students moved the tables for Lit. Circle. After that, Jennifer asked me ''How's the blog?'' I just looked at her, but anyways that was it for today's blog, nothing exciting. The students were reading silently, and Ms. Nakada walked around checking our reading journals. But yeah, like I said, David I choose you. GO DO THAT BLOG!!!
Friday, January 31, 2020
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Dalina's Third Blog
Blog corrections
Taking A Stand
Lit. Circles
HW: RJ 3.3 Read for 20-30 minutes
PS: Book Projects due 2/7
Hi, my name is Dalina, and this is my third blog. As it turns out, Joshua did not pick someone to do the blog after him. So, Ms. Nakada asked who wanted to do the blog, and I raised my hand, and she picked me. So, this is what we did in class.
First, we made a new page in our English notebooks, called Taking A Stand. We talked about the four books we are reading, All American Boys, MARCH, To Kill A Mockingbird, and The Hate U Give. We talked about how the people in the book take a stand. In MARCH, John Lewis takes a stand to integrate lunch counters, "11:00 AM, 2/7, 1960" (90) sit ins at Walworths. In, To Kill A Mockingbird, Scout takes a stand for Walter, "The Cunninghams never took anything they can't pay back." In The Hate U Give, Starr takes a stand by telling police what really happened. We couldn't find anything for All American Boys.
Then, we went into literature circles and we got a new record of five seconds. The class went wild because of the new record. But now, it's kind of boring because everyone is reading and nothing is happening. That's why I wrote what we wrote down in class. But since we were reading, I started reading too. We moved the tables back, but two chairs were out, so the timer was still going. We got a time of over 20 seconds. But, the bell rang, and I got to go to sixth period. Bye!
Monday, January 27, 2020
Joshua's Second Blog
Blog corrections
Lit. circle summaries
3.1 read for 20-30 mins.
Book project due 2/7!
When we came in from lunch, we all took out our binder reminders and notebooks. Then, Vincent said "boy" or something like that and Ms. Nakada got mad at him. Anyways, we did Quote of the Week. "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view." -Atticus from TKAM by Harper Lee. We also were talking about Obama using this quote in his farewell speech. Later on, we were talking about empathy and the crash that happened over the weekend. There was a helicopter crash with an NBA player Kobe Bryant and his daughter died with seven other people. Then, we did Question of the week. "How do you/we/society handle loss/grief?" After, we did Song of the week "La Bamba" Los Lobos/ Ritchie Valens. We also talked about how the song was the first Spanish song to reach the top of the charts in America. At the end, we did Literature circles and did summaries.
- R.I.P Kobe Bryant
Gone, but never forgotten
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Vincent's Second Blog
Agenda: Blog-corrections
literature circles
HW: RJ 2.2 Read for 20-30 min.
This is my blog and stuff happens. Wakanda is pretty cool because they have trees and electric spears and stuff. The class started with Ms. Nakada telling everybody to get their agendas out and write down the homework. She then went on to explain that she was going to check our literature circles notes tomorrow, and that we should have them done. After this, Ms. Nakada told us to move our desks for literature circles. Ms. Nakada then asked the people in the class to tell her about what was happening in their books. She then wrote down what some people said, and wrote it down on the pieces of paper that were taped to the board. This went on for around 10 minutes. People then began to read their books for around 25 minutes, and then the class ended. Wakanda forever!
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Canell's Second Blog
Blog Corrections
Q. Q. and song
Lit. Circle Update
HW: RJ 2.1 Read
for 20-30 minutes
Hi, so today I was picked to do the blog, and the class today wrote down the quote of the week and the question of the week. I really did like the quote of the week it was said by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy." Next, the class listened to a podcast of the song named "Lift Every Voice and Sing" or also known as The Black National Anthem. Now, I have got to go. Sorry, I didn't write much. Bye.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Ilia's second blog
Blog corrections
Story Groups: John Lewis
literature circles
R.J. check
HW: Enjoy the MLK weekend.
Make good trouble.
Hi people my name is Ilia if you don't know, and it's my second blog. So, today day was really nice day for me. I did my mile, and eat my lunch, but when I got in to the Ms. Nakada's room, I felt like something going to be bad in a minute. Then, Joshua read his blog, and he picked me, and now I'm doing the blog. After that, Ms. Nakada, hmmmm I think I want some pizza, but let's get back to the blog. So, Ms. Nakada showed us the video, about the book March, and then we got in to the literature circles. We were fast. We got a new record:14 seconds. After that, every one started to read. And the bell is about to ring, so good bye. I'm going to my next class, and after that I'm going to get my pizza, bye again. :)
Blog corrections
Story Groups: John Lewis
literature circles
R.J. check
HW: Enjoy the MLK weekend.
Make good trouble.
Hi people my name is Ilia if you don't know, and it's my second blog. So, today day was really nice day for me. I did my mile, and eat my lunch, but when I got in to the Ms. Nakada's room, I felt like something going to be bad in a minute. Then, Joshua read his blog, and he picked me, and now I'm doing the blog. After that, Ms. Nakada, hmmmm I think I want some pizza, but let's get back to the blog. So, Ms. Nakada showed us the video, about the book March, and then we got in to the literature circles. We were fast. We got a new record:14 seconds. After that, every one started to read. And the bell is about to ring, so good bye. I'm going to my next class, and after that I'm going to get my pizza, bye again. :)
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Joshua's First Blog
Blog Corrections
Reading Journal
Literature Circles
HW RJ 1.4 Read for 20-30
min record
*Get parent signature
Hello, well today was a regular day in English class, Maria started reading her blog and chose me. I certainly wasn't nervous. I have been preparing to do my first Blog ever. So, Ms. Nakada started giving instructions about doing the Literature Circles but before that, she checked the Reading Journals of each one of us and made sure that we were on 1.3 of it. By the way, it's a pity to those who don't have it because they're parents are going to get a phone call. We had to put the tables together in order to read as a group, and I think we did it in less than thirty seconds so, congratulations to all of us. I don't know what kind of reward that is, but let's keep going.
Now, everyone is reading the books they chose in groups and it's quite messy, I have to admit, but I think they are gonna do great in getting on the page they have to be. I certainly do not want to see Ms. Nakada angry. And I think nothing important happened for the rest of the period, except for Ms. Nakada going and remembering us that we needed to do Questions and Summary of the pages read in class. Sorry if my blog is too short, but there was nothing interesting that happened in the period. Have a wonderful day each one of you, do your homework and good bye.
Blog Corrections
Reading Journal
Literature Circles
HW RJ 1.4 Read for 20-30
min record
*Get parent signature
Hello, well today was a regular day in English class, Maria started reading her blog and chose me. I certainly wasn't nervous. I have been preparing to do my first Blog ever. So, Ms. Nakada started giving instructions about doing the Literature Circles but before that, she checked the Reading Journals of each one of us and made sure that we were on 1.3 of it. By the way, it's a pity to those who don't have it because they're parents are going to get a phone call. We had to put the tables together in order to read as a group, and I think we did it in less than thirty seconds so, congratulations to all of us. I don't know what kind of reward that is, but let's keep going.
Now, everyone is reading the books they chose in groups and it's quite messy, I have to admit, but I think they are gonna do great in getting on the page they have to be. I certainly do not want to see Ms. Nakada angry. And I think nothing important happened for the rest of the period, except for Ms. Nakada going and remembering us that we needed to do Questions and Summary of the pages read in class. Sorry if my blog is too short, but there was nothing interesting that happened in the period. Have a wonderful day each one of you, do your homework and good bye.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Maria's second blog
Blog corrections
R. J Check
Star Test
Literature Circles
R. J 1.3 Read for 20-30 min
and record
Once everyone gets inside the class room and sits down to their sits, they start taking out their binder reminder. They write down the agenda that's on top of the board. Then, when everybody was done Deeana came in front of the class and read out loud her blog. When she was finished, Ms. Nakada started to correct it and then annouced to take out their English notebooks so that she could check our Reading Journals. After a couple of minutes of Ms. Nakada checking everyone's reading journals. She said to not write down any of the books that we have been talking about in class because it doesn't count. She then said to use the iPads that are in front of us to start your star test. Once you're done doing the star test, you can read the book that you have selected from the front of class. Once everyone has completely done their test, Ms. Nakada said to get to you same table that we have been working with since yesterday and to get the book you have been reading. She also said that we could come up and see our results from the star test. I hope after this blog everyone had a great day, and I chose Joshua to do the blog.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Deeana's Second Blog
Blog Corrections
RJ Check
Literature Circles
HW: RJ 1.2 Read for
20-30 minutes and record
So, today we started off class by Jiane reading her blog, and then she picked me. But, I didn't mind though. After that, Ms. Nakada showed the class how to organize their English notebooks to fit their notes and Reading Journals into one notebook. Then, Ms. Nakada started talking about Literature Circles. In these circles, everyone who is reading the same book will summarize what they read. Once Ms. Nakada was done explaining, she held a contest to see who could move the tables together faster. After that, the class got into groups and discussed the book that they were reading. This continued for the rest of the class. I guess that's it for today. Bye. Oh, and I choose Maria.
Blog Corrections
RJ Check
Literature Circles
HW: RJ 1.2 Read for
20-30 minutes and record
So, today we started off class by Jiane reading her blog, and then she picked me. But, I didn't mind though. After that, Ms. Nakada showed the class how to organize their English notebooks to fit their notes and Reading Journals into one notebook. Then, Ms. Nakada started talking about Literature Circles. In these circles, everyone who is reading the same book will summarize what they read. Once Ms. Nakada was done explaining, she held a contest to see who could move the tables together faster. After that, the class got into groups and discussed the book that they were reading. This continued for the rest of the class. I guess that's it for today. Bye. Oh, and I choose Maria.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Jiane's Second Blog
Jiane's Second Blog
new seats
Blog corrections
Q.Q. Song
New semester
HW: RJ 1.1 Read for 20-30 min & record.
Today is the first day of second semester. We got to our new seats and wrote our agenda down. We did blog corrections and I got picked for the blog. Anyways, we did Q.Q. Song. First, we talked about the quote of the week, "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?". Next, the question of the week, "What 2020 news are you anxious/ excited about?", we discussed about the brushfire in Australia and the world war three. After that we listened to the song of the week called, "What's Goin' On" by Marvin Gaye which is about peace. We went over the spring semester syllabus, and we talked about different kind of books that we're going to look at this semester like: All American Boys, The Hate U Give, To Kill A Mockingbird, MARCH. We didn't really do a lot of writing today which is a good start for the semester. It's not really a long day. I gotta go and I hope we all have a good day, bye!
new seats
Blog corrections
Q.Q. Song
New semester
HW: RJ 1.1 Read for 20-30 min & record.
Today is the first day of second semester. We got to our new seats and wrote our agenda down. We did blog corrections and I got picked for the blog. Anyways, we did Q.Q. Song. First, we talked about the quote of the week, "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?". Next, the question of the week, "What 2020 news are you anxious/ excited about?", we discussed about the brushfire in Australia and the world war three. After that we listened to the song of the week called, "What's Goin' On" by Marvin Gaye which is about peace. We went over the spring semester syllabus, and we talked about different kind of books that we're going to look at this semester like: All American Boys, The Hate U Give, To Kill A Mockingbird, MARCH. We didn't really do a lot of writing today which is a good start for the semester. It's not really a long day. I gotta go and I hope we all have a good day, bye!
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Ms. Nakada Virtual Classroom: Day 44
Agenda: Check-in Q - Q - Song LAST DAY!!! HW: Letters to yourself, me, and a future eighth grader. This is it! Our last Zoom...

Agenda: independent study Book Projects! HW: Read 20-30 minutes. RJs 11..1-11.4 due tomorrow. Get them signed! Book Proj...
AGENDA Q. Q. Song Essay Introductions HW: RJ 10.1 Read for 20-30 minutes. Hey all. I hope you had a good weekend. I mean, things sure e...
Agenda: "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver Prompts for NaPoWriMo HW: Turn in 13.1-13.4 signed and th e drafts of 10-15 poems yo...