Blog corrections
"How's your novel?"
I.A.B. NaNoWriMO
writer's workshop
HW NaNoWriMo
70% by tonight.
Meet in 102/101
tomorrow for write in!
Hello, my last name is Jackson if you didn't know. So, everyone was working on their novels. All you could hear was clicks of keyboards all around the room. I look back at Ms. Nakada and see her marathon sweat shirt, 'cause I ran that too. I didn't know what to do, so I was playing with my orange. When I was done playing with that, I started to play with my leg hairs. They felt soft and rough at the same time. Then, I started to play with my glasses. Then, after awhile, I stopped. Well, the bell is about to ring, so good bye. Oh, and good bye again.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Alissia Second Blog
Blog corrections
Pep-talk from Jason Reynolds
writers workshop
Hw: NaNoWriMo
64% by tomorrow
Hey, so I guess I am doing the blog today. I am kinda glad that Chianti chose me because I wanted to get this second blog over with. So, today Ms. Nakada passed out a paper out to everyone about Jason Reynolds. Ms. Nakada told the kids that we are gonna do popcorn reading. They finished reading the Pep-talk from Jason Reynolds. Now the kids have to work on I.A.B. testing. When they finish the testing, the kids have to work on their novels on the iPads and they are allowed to listen to music while they write. At this moment, it was very quiet, all you could here is kids typing very hard. We have like eight more minutes until the bell rings. Today is an early day so we get out at 1:30 pm. Now all the kids are packing up there stuff to get ready to leave. Ms. Nakada is now asking the kids their percents and whoever was under 50% had to text their parents. Well, the bell rang, and I've got to go to my sixth period bye:) OH AND I CHOOSE KALANI!
Blog corrections
Pep-talk from Jason Reynolds
writers workshop
Hw: NaNoWriMo
64% by tomorrow
Hey, so I guess I am doing the blog today. I am kinda glad that Chianti chose me because I wanted to get this second blog over with. So, today Ms. Nakada passed out a paper out to everyone about Jason Reynolds. Ms. Nakada told the kids that we are gonna do popcorn reading. They finished reading the Pep-talk from Jason Reynolds. Now the kids have to work on I.A.B. testing. When they finish the testing, the kids have to work on their novels on the iPads and they are allowed to listen to music while they write. At this moment, it was very quiet, all you could here is kids typing very hard. We have like eight more minutes until the bell rings. Today is an early day so we get out at 1:30 pm. Now all the kids are packing up there stuff to get ready to leave. Ms. Nakada is now asking the kids their percents and whoever was under 50% had to text their parents. Well, the bell rang, and I've got to go to my sixth period bye:) OH AND I CHOOSE KALANI!
Monday, November 18, 2019
Chianti's 2nd blog
Blog corrections
Q.Q. Song
Complete I.A.B.
writer's workshop
HW NaNoWriMo
60% tonight!
Hi✰, so we started off doing the question of the week. First, we looked at the quote of the week: "To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time" Leonard Bernstein. The questions of the week were: who writes the stories, who benefits from the stories, and who is missing from the stories? Then, the song of the week called "We Didn't Start the Fire"by Billy Joel. Then, the whole class had to finish their I.A.B.s, If finished, they could do their NaNoWriMo. It was mostly quiet today. Nothing happened today, so that's why this blog is short. Alright um bye
Blog corrections
Q.Q. Song
Complete I.A.B.
writer's workshop
HW NaNoWriMo
60% tonight!
Hi✰, so we started off doing the question of the week. First, we looked at the quote of the week: "To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time" Leonard Bernstein. The questions of the week were: who writes the stories, who benefits from the stories, and who is missing from the stories? Then, the song of the week called "We Didn't Start the Fire"by Billy Joel. Then, the whole class had to finish their I.A.B.s, If finished, they could do their NaNoWriMo. It was mostly quiet today. Nothing happened today, so that's why this blog is short. Alright um bye
Adrian's Second Blog
Blog correction
I.A.B intro
body paragraph
writer's workshop
HW:NaNoWriMo plan weekend catch up
57% by Monday
Ms. Nakada started talking about the test and the class got on their iPads and started to login. They started messing with the sound thing, and Camrynn started getting mad. Ms. Nakada started to get on her case. Ms. Nakada kicked her out of the class. Anyways, I got to go. The bell is about to ring, bye.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Jason's 2nd blog
blog corrections
I.A.B screen 1#
writer's workshop
HW NaMoWriMo 47% by tomorrow
Hey guys, today we started off by Ila reading her blog. When she was finished, she called me. I didn't really wanna do the blog, but here I am. Then, Ms. Nakada explained to the class that they would be taking an I.A.B. It was some sort of test. She put the session ID on the board, and passed out everyone's sign-in. The class was very quiet, until it was like 5 minutes left to the bell rings. Then, Ms. Nakada started taking down everyone's percent of their novel.
blog corrections
I.A.B screen 1#
writer's workshop
HW NaMoWriMo 47% by tomorrow
Hey guys, today we started off by Ila reading her blog. When she was finished, she called me. I didn't really wanna do the blog, but here I am. Then, Ms. Nakada explained to the class that they would be taking an I.A.B. It was some sort of test. She put the session ID on the board, and passed out everyone's sign-in. The class was very quiet, until it was like 5 minutes left to the bell rings. Then, Ms. Nakada started taking down everyone's percent of their novel.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ila's second blog
New Seats
Blog Corrections
Q Q Songs
Writers Workshop
HW NaNoWriMo
44% by tomorrow
Hi, guys. This is my second blog, and I didn't want to do it this week, but that's okay. At least I can get it over with. So, first we did Q Q Songs, and when we were done everyone started to do their NaNoWriMo. There wasn't anything else to write about, so I started to work on my novel. I know I didn't write that much for this blog, but I need to do my NaNoWriMo, so bye guys, and I might chose Kailah or Jason for the blog.
New Seats
Blog Corrections
Q Q Songs
Writers Workshop
HW NaNoWriMo
44% by tomorrow
Hi, guys. This is my second blog, and I didn't want to do it this week, but that's okay. At least I can get it over with. So, first we did Q Q Songs, and when we were done everyone started to do their NaNoWriMo. There wasn't anything else to write about, so I started to work on my novel. I know I didn't write that much for this blog, but I need to do my NaNoWriMo, so bye guys, and I might chose Kailah or Jason for the blog.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Camrynn's second blog
Blog corrections
Nano Notes
Writer's Workshop
HW NaNoWriMo
40% by Tuesday
Okay, so first off, I just want to start off by saying Ricky you are a bum for choosing me! Like you could've for surely picked David. Okay, because not how Ms. Nakada is talking about how
her mom-in-law is a hoarder. Yikes. Now they watching this dude that talk way too much about a hero's journey. Bro Imma make this blog colorful right now. Hold on, this is about to be so cute, Bro.
Okay, so all I hear right now is keyboards and it's lowkey annoying but anyways. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO TALK ABOUT LIK UGH. Okay, can the bell ring already like I got places to go. I like
trees they are so pretty bro. I wonder if I'm aloud to write random stuff on here. I don't and I'm not goin' to ask because Ms. Nakada is gon' get on my case about it so yea. Oh ya'll, we got ten minutes 'til the bell like yes god is coming through for me. you already know. OMG I JUST NOICED IT'S FRIDAY SO I WO'NT READ THIS 'TIL MONDAY OMG BRO UGH. WAIT WE AIN'T EVEN GOT SCHOOL MONDAY NEITHER, SO BRO I'M REALLY IRRITATED RIGHT NOW LIKE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. Anyways, bye ya'll I guess have a wonderful weekend. I know I ain't because
nobody wanna tell me what's plots, but it's cool. Bro, I feel like this dude cheated he is not at no 99%. Anyways for real though bye ya'll :D
her mom-in-law is a hoarder. Yikes. Now they watching this dude that talk way too much about a hero's journey. Bro Imma make this blog colorful right now. Hold on, this is about to be so cute, Bro.
Okay, so all I hear right now is keyboards and it's lowkey annoying but anyways. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO TALK ABOUT LIK UGH. Okay, can the bell ring already like I got places to go. I like
trees they are so pretty bro. I wonder if I'm aloud to write random stuff on here. I don't and I'm not goin' to ask because Ms. Nakada is gon' get on my case about it so yea. Oh ya'll, we got ten minutes 'til the bell like yes god is coming through for me. you already know. OMG I JUST NOICED IT'S FRIDAY SO I WO'NT READ THIS 'TIL MONDAY OMG BRO UGH. WAIT WE AIN'T EVEN GOT SCHOOL MONDAY NEITHER, SO BRO I'M REALLY IRRITATED RIGHT NOW LIKE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. Anyways, bye ya'll I guess have a wonderful weekend. I know I ain't because
nobody wanna tell me what's plots, but it's cool. Bro, I feel like this dude cheated he is not at no 99%. Anyways for real though bye ya'll :D
Ricky's second blog
Blog corrections
15 week grades
writer's workshop
HW: NaNoWriMo
24% tonight
So, today we started with Zohara's second Blog. I knew she was going to pick me because yesterday when Ashley picked her, I was like haha and right after I said that I regretted it because then I knew she was going to pick me, but I don't care. It is what it is. So, now Ms. Nakada is checking the reading journals then she came and checked mine. Then, I got right back on this blog, which I hate. lol. I never wanna do this again and do yah wanna know what is crazy I do all my work and Zohara said that that's the first time she has seen me do work. I feel played. Now, for the rest of the period every body needs to do their novels and I don't wanna do this blog any more. Bye.
Blog corrections
15 week grades
writer's workshop
HW: NaNoWriMo
24% tonight
So, today we started with Zohara's second Blog. I knew she was going to pick me because yesterday when Ashley picked her, I was like haha and right after I said that I regretted it because then I knew she was going to pick me, but I don't care. It is what it is. So, now Ms. Nakada is checking the reading journals then she came and checked mine. Then, I got right back on this blog, which I hate. lol. I never wanna do this again and do yah wanna know what is crazy I do all my work and Zohara said that that's the first time she has seen me do work. I feel played. Now, for the rest of the period every body needs to do their novels and I don't wanna do this blog any more. Bye.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Zohara's Second Blog
Blog Corrections
Dia de Los Muertos 2
NaNoWriMo Check in
Writer's Workshop
HW NaNoWriMo
20% tonight
Hi um, today we started with reading a short summary and learned a little bit more about Dia de Los Muertos. Before we started talking about Dia de Los Muertos recently, I used to think of it as more of a sad occasion instead of a celebration. So, I guess I learned something new. Afterward Ms. Nakada explained that by tonight, we should be at 20% on our novels. She then gave us time in class to work on our novels. To be honest, I think I'm a bit behind on the novel, so I got a lot of writing to do tonight, which won't be a problem but it's just a little bit irritating -_-. Well, if I'm being 100% honest I'm really bored, tired, and not very sure what to write about. There's like almost 30 more minutes before class ends, so I'll just wait until something decently interesting to write about happens. I thought about taking a nap, but Ms. Nakada would get mad lol, plus all I could hear was just a bunch of clicking on the keys, so it would've been almost impossible to try to sleep. I was surprised when I looked to my left, to see Ricky finally doing some type of work. I never would've thought that I would see him being decently productive. We went up by 3% overall on our novels and passed period two. That's pretty cool, I guess.
Ms. Nakada started a timer to see how many words we could get, within eight minutes. I fell asleep for like ten minutes, and when I woke up the bell was gonna ring in like five minutes, so I might as well finish the blog now. Okay bye.
Blog Corrections
Dia de Los Muertos 2
NaNoWriMo Check in
Writer's Workshop
HW NaNoWriMo
20% tonight
Hi um, today we started with reading a short summary and learned a little bit more about Dia de Los Muertos. Before we started talking about Dia de Los Muertos recently, I used to think of it as more of a sad occasion instead of a celebration. So, I guess I learned something new. Afterward Ms. Nakada explained that by tonight, we should be at 20% on our novels. She then gave us time in class to work on our novels. To be honest, I think I'm a bit behind on the novel, so I got a lot of writing to do tonight, which won't be a problem but it's just a little bit irritating -_-. Well, if I'm being 100% honest I'm really bored, tired, and not very sure what to write about. There's like almost 30 more minutes before class ends, so I'll just wait until something decently interesting to write about happens. I thought about taking a nap, but Ms. Nakada would get mad lol, plus all I could hear was just a bunch of clicking on the keys, so it would've been almost impossible to try to sleep. I was surprised when I looked to my left, to see Ricky finally doing some type of work. I never would've thought that I would see him being decently productive. We went up by 3% overall on our novels and passed period two. That's pretty cool, I guess.
Ms. Nakada started a timer to see how many words we could get, within eight minutes. I fell asleep for like ten minutes, and when I woke up the bell was gonna ring in like five minutes, so I might as well finish the blog now. Okay bye.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Ashley's Second Blog
Blog corrections
writer's workshop
HW NaNoWriMo 15%
Hi guys ;) So today, Rosendo picked me to do my second blog, because Zohara wasn't here, but anyways, Ms. Nakada told the class to take out their NaNoWriMo packet out. After that, Ms. Nakada showed the class her percentage of her story. Next, she told the class to work on their NaNoWriMo, and yeah, that was pretty much it. The class basically just worked on their NaNoWriMo for the rest of the period. I would've been working on mine but, I'm doing the blog for y'all. Ms. Nakada told the class that the students have to at least have 10% or she's calling home. Lowkey today was boring. Sorry Ms. Nakada, but anyways the bell finna ring oh, and btw I pick Zohara for the blog (sorry).
Monday, November 4, 2019
Rosendo's second blog
Hello, this is my second blog. Today was Monday, so today was the Quote, song, and question of the week. The song was: "Don't Give Up" by Peter Gabriel. The song was like a love song. I felt bad for Ryan, because he started to get sad because he missed someone that left early. Anyway, the question of the week was: "What do you want more than anything else?" The Quote of the week was: ''This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another its that easy and that hard." Neil Gaiman. Today was kinda good, but anyways, the bell is about to ring, so bye.
(Oh ya, I choose Zohara),
Friday, November 1, 2019
Ailen's Second Blog
Blog : corrections
Dia de los Muertos
NaNoWriMo start !
HW 10% of word count
by Monday!
This is my second blog. Everyone was looking at everyone's Inktober. The class was reading about Dia de los Muertos and how they celebrated it. The class was starting on the NaNoWriMo it got quiet but, then it got loud. Nothing much happened, but the bell was about to ring. I'm sorry that it isn't a long blog.
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Ms. Nakada Virtual Classroom: Day 44
Agenda: Check-in Q - Q - Song LAST DAY!!! HW: Letters to yourself, me, and a future eighth grader. This is it! Our last Zoom...

Agenda: independent study Book Projects! HW: Read 20-30 minutes. RJs 11..1-11.4 due tomorrow. Get them signed! Book Proj...
AGENDA Q. Q. Song Essay Introductions HW: RJ 10.1 Read for 20-30 minutes. Hey all. I hope you had a good weekend. I mean, things sure e...
Agenda: "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver Prompts for NaPoWriMo HW: Turn in 13.1-13.4 signed and th e drafts of 10-15 poems yo...