Friday, December 20, 2019

FaBiAn's SeCoNd bLoG


Gift of words
reader's workshop
HW:Have a wonderful winter break

Today, in class Jenny picked me for the second blog. I really don't care that she picked me because I won't have to read it until the next three weeks we come back. Ms. Nakada and the class were correcting Jenny's second blog. Then, Ms. Nakada told the class to do something, but I really forgot what she said but the class was on their phones, listening to music or talking to each other. I really don't know what to write for this blog since it's a short day  since we get out at 12:35 so this blog is gonna be short. Ms. Nakada started playing Christmas music in class. The bell is about to ring in two minutes so I gotta go to P.E., but have a good winter break, but by the time I read this it's already finished. Okay, gotta go. Bye .

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Jenny's Second Blog :)

Gift Of Words
Reader's Workshop
NaNo Awards
HW:Read for fun AR 100%/250,000 words

Hi, People. So, we started off doing the blog corrections, and uhh I never got choosen to do my second blog or whatever, until Alejandra choose me to this  blog at first I didn't wanna do it, but now there was some tea spilt, I guess in class. Anyways, as we were getting our English notebooks out when Ricky came in the class late and Ms. Nakada asked "Was Merlyn late too?" Anyways, everyone started calling people out and uhhh.

We started working on the Gift of Words and Ms. Nakada asked us what it was like to be lonely or solitary like that and I was like, oh I can relate, because me was lonely earlier in Lunch. Anyways, let me get back to what we were doing in class. Okay, so forget what I said earlier on the gift of words. I think it was what we were working on. Ms. Nakada read us "Good Hours" a poem by Robert Frost. The two words she was asking us about were: solitude v. lonliness. I didn't even do my work most of the time because I'm doing this blog and got confused on what we was talking about. I already feel like this blog makes no sense and some of what I'm typing is going to get corrected by the next time we do blog corrections.

Okay, me staring to get hungry for no reason :( This computer almost turned off. That's when you know I don't have anything to type :(. Then we were talking about the seasons and how december 21st is the winter solstice. We finished doing the gift of words, and then Ms. Nakada showed us some gift of words people have done. It looked good, honestly.

I recieved my paper that I wrote my gift of words it wasn't even a poem it was quotes I made up. Okay, then, Ms. Nakada gave out the awards for the people who did an 100% on the NaNoWriMo sadly i didn't get one because i only got to 86 or sum like that but congrats to everyone who got one Ailen and Violet were just telling me how surprised they were that Ryan got one, but other than that, everything was okay. Me done with this blog. Me out. Bye have a good day :).

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Alejandra's second blog


 Blog Corrections

 Novelly with Anna


Read for fun AR 100% / 250,000 words

So, this is my second blog. Kailah decided to pick me. Honestly, I was hoping someone wouldn't have picked me, and I could have skipped my second blog, but that didn't happen, sadly. Anyways, we started off with blog corrections, we got a point because Kailah only forgot to put the homework on the blog. Then, a woman named Anna started teaching us the word Novelly. She asked what would be a good thing to do in your community Nelson said," picking up trash off the side walk." Adrian said something too, but I forgot.

Then, she talked about civic education, digital technology, and fiction. Then, Anna had the class read "Leaving El Salvador," and turns out this is a true story. It's about a boys experience in El Salvador, and how he left it. There's more to the story, but I don't want the blog to long. It's a sad story though. This story is really sad. I didn't think people had to go through so much trouble just to leave El Salvador. Turns out the boy was fourteen going through something like that, that's just sad.

Anyways, Anna had the class open up their phones again and go to an app (I forgot the apps name, sorry). After that, she was asking the class what answers they chose, she had our class is different from the other LAUSD schools. I think; I don't really remember. Anyways, the bells about to ring. Gotta go to sixth period, bye!

Monday, December 16, 2019

Kailah's Second Blog

blog corrections
Q Q Song
Fall scores
winter haiku

HW: Read for fun! AR 100% 250,000

        First, we came in and wrote our agenda. Next, Daniel read his blog and he chose me. Then, we did the quote, question, and song of the week. The quote of the week is: "Be kind to everybody, make art, and fight the power."- Colson Whitehead. The question of the week is "What are your proudest accomplishments of the past year/decade?" The song of the week is "Royals" by Lorde. After that, everyone turned in their finals. Then, some people passed out our corrected papers that we had to put in our portfolios. Finally, we learned about writing a Winter Haiku. 


Friday, December 13, 2019

Daniel's second blog

Blog Corrections
Final Corrections
Readers Workshop
Hw: Read... For fun
AR 100%/250,000

Hi, my name is Daniel, and I'm pretty  sure that almost no one knows me. As always, we start with blog corrections and after that, Joshua picked me for doing blog. I don't know why. After that, Ms. Nakada told us to clear the desks and take out notebooks and red pens. Students exchange notebooks for the Fall Notebook check. Students check each others work and most of them got 15+ point's on their notes. After Ms. Nakada wrote who got how much points, and then commanded to clean up tables, but to leave the red pens. We will correct our own final test. As I head from the class, lots of student had trouble with their tests. We go over the the test which is worth 50 pts.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Joshua's Second Blog

- Blog Corrections
- Owl Moon: Jane Yolen
- Reader's Workshop
HW- Read a good book AR %100/ 250,000

    Ms. Nakada did the blog for the final exam day. With that, it means that the blog correction will be of Ms. Nakada's. We failed to correct one of her mistakes, so we couldn't get the point.
     Ms. Nakada then had a story time, of the book Owl Moon. Multiple people also had the rare chance from Ms. Nakada to get out of their seats, many sitting on the floor in front of our teacher. Nakada soon reads the book. The book is about the main character and a character named Pa, with them doing owl callings hoping to capture an owl. After, Nakada commanded everyone to get an iPad. Many fell silent, as they started their AR quiz for Owl Moon. Nakada also reminded the class of their goal in AR with the goal being 250,000 words read in our favorite books over the pass semester. Since, we are currently on reader's workshop, I'm assuming that my turn on the second blog is over. Goodbye.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Ms. Nakada's Blog for Final Exam Day

Your blogger: Ms. Nakada
Blog • corrections
Final Exam
reader's workshop

HW: Read a good book. AR 100% / 500,000 words

Everyone came into class after lunch, and they found their seats in the new configuration.

Then, Aaron read his blog. We corrected the blog and then got started on the final exam.

Students worked on their exams for the duration of the period, and that was it for today. Hope you all had a good rest of your day.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Aaron's Second Blog.

Blog Corrections
Final Review
reader's workshop RJ check

Read a good book
AR 100%/500,000 words
Finals Tomorrow!

When I got picked, I was kinda expecting this. So, after Dalina read her blog, Ms. Nakada told everyone to take out their notebook. She said to write down a new page and add in the table of contents A.C.E.

After everyone did that, Ms. Nakada explained what A.C.E is. She also said that it was used for math problems and thus the reason why there is a math equation on the board in English Class. Then, Ms. Nakada remembered that she need to explain what would be on the final tomorrow. After that, she went back to A.C.E.and showed how it works. While she was typing down for a new example she sneezed and the whole class said bless you. After that, she explained of how A.C.E can be used, like in a song or other books. While Ms. Nakada mentions about checking everyone reading journal while everyone is doing the A.C.E. While at it, the screen went blue screen and I can't copy the question about it, and I'm too lazy to look up when the question is there again. After a while, Ms. Nakada started to say to the question of who's finished with their A. After that the citation, and then she shows about what she expects us to do in the finals. It was color-coded so it's was easy to find the A.C.E. Ms. Nakada basically told us that it was like A.C.E but you are doing C. and E. Three times.

Then she told everyone about the  quick-write. While everyone's doing that I'll got nothing to do but type. I looked at the board and saw a quote by Auggie Pullman. "Everyone should get a standing ovation at least once in their life." I don't understand what it means because I don't know what ovation means yet also I don't know who Auggie Pullman is too. There nothing to do in here when you are done doing the blog. I can do what the students in the class are doing quick writing and doing the A.C.E. so I can do the finals tomorrow. Does the person skip the final because they are doing the blog or will that person ignore it and do it for a another day? Well, after a while Ms.Nakada asked the class any questions. I think that the bell... and that's the bell. Alright then, good-bye, and I won't be here next week, so good luck getting points.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Dalina's Second Blog


Blog corrections
Q Q Song
Citations/ Bibliographies
works cited
RJ✓ Binder✓
HW: Read a good book
AR 100%
500,000 words

Hi, my name is Dalina, and this is my second blog. Since Paras put his YouTube channel on here, I am going to because we did not hear his story because he did not put anything that told people what we did in class. So, I am not doing the story because I don't know what happened in it. But, my YouTube channel is Puzzle Head TV. Anyways, Ms. Nakada checked our binder reminders to see if we wrote down our agendas. We also did our quote, question, and song of the week. This week's quote was, STUDENT CHOICE or "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could." R.W. Emerson or "Make each day your masterpiece." J. Wooden. I know, that was a lot, and then Paras tried to use a quote we already used. But, for the quote, I picked the one by R.W. Emerson. The question of the week was, "What would you constitute a perfect day for you?" I put a day where I do nothing in school and last, but definitely not least, the song of the week, which was "Good As Hell" by Lizzo. Yeah, I know the name is weird. The song was about a good day that someone was having. Kalani asked if it was the song from the Walmart commercial. After we did that, we opened our English notebooks to our citations and bibliographies. Ms. Nakada told us about paraphrases and end notes. She also told us to put what page we got our info from. Then, she gave us all a piece of paper, that looks like this:

She also told us that someone put a whole song in their novel and cheated. Anyways, I have to go to sixth period. Bye!

Friday, December 6, 2019

Paras Ram's Second Blog.


Blog Corrections
Gallery Walk
In-text citations/ bibliographies

HW: 2 weeks left in Fall semester!
Is there anything you need to do? AR?

Konichiiwa, Privyet, Hola, what ever language you speak, hello! Since this is my second blog, I'm really happy and everyone booed at me when I said that I would start a new series, so thank you all! Key picked me and I really appreciate it. Before I start the new series, I'm going to tell you some things about my self. I can speak some Japanese, some Russian, a little bit of Farsi, and a lot of Punjabi. I'm a huge Naruto weeb, so that's how I can speak some Japanese!

In class today, Ms. Nakada collected our NaNoWriMo submissions at the door and then we wrote down the agenda. Key read his blog, and then chose me. Then, we did a gallery walk of all of our novels.

Ms. Nakada asked us to write a new page in our table of contents titled: Citations, Bibliographies/Works Cited. We took these notes and then the bell rang and we left.

Nelson told me to make a series about Nuclear Fusion, since we learned that in Science, so here I go! Also, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, TheOfficialParasRam. Anyway, lets get in to the story! On a stormy night, a CSA agent called Barry Allen was in his lab. He was studying blood samples and then he saw that a thunder cloud was raising above him. He realized that the Nuclear Fusion Particle Accelerator will turn on, but he sees the news on his little monitor. The news are saying that the particle accelerator had exploded and just as he looks up, a red bolt of lightning strikes him. He is knocked away by it and falls on the shelves that have chemicals on it. He is bleeding from his mouth and as he falls asleep, a red surge of lightning is seen in his throat traveling to his brain. The ambulance arrives and he is placed on to a stretcher. His best friend, Iris, is next to him crying. He reached the hospital and it experienced weird power surges because of how fast his heart was beating. He is in a coma for 9 months and he wakes up in a lab called STAR Labs, that is also known as the most famous lab in the world. He wakes up and sees a two scientists walk in to the room. Two employees walk in to the lab. They're both known as Cisco Ramon and Kaitlyn Frost. They checked his vitals and see that it's normal. He starts freaking out because he doesn't know where he is and eventually, he calms down. They explain to him that he's at STAR Labs and that he was in a coma for 9 months. As he is processing that, another employee walks in to the lab. Barry's mouth drops as the man walks in to the room. It's the famous scientist known as, Dr. Wells. The scientist explains to Barry that he was struck by a lightning bolt that was made from the famous Nuclear Fusion Particle Accelerator. Dr. Wells tells Barry that he might have superhuman speed because of the Nuclear Fusion Particle Accelerator. Dr. Wells gives him clothes to wear and he wears them, but these aren't regular clothes. It's a red running suit with goggles. They go outside on to their plane runway that has no planes and they start preparing for him to run. Before Barry starts running, his eyes have red lightning in them and he starts running. He has a trail behind him that's red and he blacks out. He gets a flash back of his mother being murdered by someone with red lightning. He eventually regains his consciousness and he sees that it's too late for him to stop. He crashes in to these barrels of water and he screams in pain as he finds out that his arm is broken. His arm is patched up and fixed, while he is transported to the lab. Kaitlyn informs him about his rare ability and his abilities that give him the ability to heal at an abnormal rate. A normal human would have to wait for a couple of months for their arm to heal, but since you were struck by the Nuclear Fusion Particle Accelerator, which gave you your abilities, it would only take you a couple of hourse. Now, the bell has rang and I really appreciate that Key let me do the blog. Well, I hope you guys had a good weekend! Bye! Oh and by the way, The witch has been revived and the Blog Panther killed it and brought Ms. Nakada back. Yes! I finished the story! Cya! Also, I like turtles.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Key Koorosh's second blog

blog . corrections
graduation requirements
fall semester grades
reader's/writer's workshop

HW: RJ 11.4 read for 20-30 min. Get parent signature.
NaNoWriMo submissions doe tomorrow.

I did not think it would take so long to get chosen to do the second blog. It was kinda my fault for trying my best to be the last person on the first blog and trying to be the first person on the second blog. Mostly the two reasons were I wanted to do the blog, and do the story, and also sorry, Paras, but I was kinda sad if you did the blog before me which will ruin the ending I thought of. Anyways, I just saw I did this first. Also, I should write what we did so, after Denise chose me, finally, for the blog, we went over graduation requirements. It was about telling how we can go to high school, and how to graduate from middle school. After we put are grades in our English, I think it was notes, I did not do it, but when I looked at everyone, mostly everyone was on their log in. Oh, something else, because writing in NaNoWriMo, I keep not making it short like writing do not when I want to write don't. So, you should see the difference in the story. One more thing, I am not going to end this story happy or sad, so when the ending is happy or sad just know that is not the ending. And to make it up to Paras I will choose him for the blog. I hope that was not the reason he wanted to do the blog, and if it was, I am sorry, but the story is finished.

So, when the students run out, they saw someone controlling evil or non evil Ms. Nakada. One of the bravest students took the hat of evil or non evil Ms. Nakada and smash the controller that was controlling Ms. Nakada. When the controller was broken, the thing that was controlling the controller ran, and went in a castle and evil Ms. Nakada did not look like evil anymore. Soddenly the dark clouds were gone, the darkness on the ground and plants were gone. the people blow the building thought the which was no more. but a castle from the darkness of the clouds that were gone showed a bright non color non white light. than the sun was getting darker and darker. but the people thought this is what happens when an evil which is gone. but they soon saw it was worse than before. the sun shined a bright dark light and it was also dark not as dark as no light but as something else which I do not know how to explain it yet. but a bright lightning hit near the castle and three others came. will at least the lightning was not dark. now everyone in the town know that the reason is the castle. at first they thought they could go to the castle ad burn it or destroy it. but when they were going to go to the castle lightnings and light fire was stopping them the heat and light of the fire and the brightness and how fast the lightning was stopped them from moving any farther than one step. the students and Ms. Nakada not evil after the controller and the hat was destroyed were thinking of a way. one of the smartest one find a way so he trowed a bag of gasoline and forced the fire to the castle. the castle was burned and destroyed. Remember when I said its not a happy ending will the castle exploded really instead of burning. So the town was never seen again but everything turned to normal and the story was told. Oh ya, that was a fake Ms. Nakada.

sorry paras for ending the story like this.


Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Denise's second blog

Blog corrections
NaNo submissions
Excerpts: beginning, allusion, research
Reader's/ writer's workshop
Hw: RJ 11.3
Read for 20 - 30 minutes
NaNo submissions due Friday !!

So, today I did the blog. I was kinda excited because I wanted to do it for a while now. Today in class, we did blog corrections. Then, Ms. Nakada went over the NaNo submissions. After that, Ms. Nakada printed Paras's cover for his novel. Then, Ms. Nakada printed Camrynn's cover, and she wanted a guy with his hoodie on, behind the little girl. Then, she printed Alissia's cover, and then David's cover. Ashley came up to me, and said" haha." I turned around, and she said" you write about me," and so I did. So, the bell is about to ring, sooo byeee! Oh, and I choose Key to do the blog.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Jullan's Second Blog

NaNo submissions
-about the outdoors
HW: RJ 11.12
READ for 20-30
NaNo submissions
due Friday

Hi, people. Today I got picked for the blog by this dude, David, for no reason. It's whatever. I'm kinda of mad though. So, today we looked at our NaNo submission notes and took out a piece of notebook paper. Then, we took out our reading journal to title the paper and get a new book to read for our three word summary and the title of the book. But anyways, the bell is about to ring, and I wish this was sixth period so I can go home, but anyways, Fabian, I got something to say, go do that blog and peace.

Monday, December 2, 2019

David's Second Blog

Q.Q Song
30 day challenges
NaNo Reflection
HW Rj 11.1
Read for 20-30
minutes. NaNo
Submissions due

   Hello class, I'm gonna make this blog short and easy because I don't want to do this, but thanks to Kalani, I am doing the blog. We did the quote of the week by Ralph Waldo Emerson which was: "Select and collect all the words and, sentences that have been to you like the blast of a trumpet." The question of the week was: "Is it better to give or receive?" Ms. Nakada was talking about how Ms. Dillmore brings every teacher a flower for Christmas to make the class have decoration. We then did the song of the week which was "Born In the U.S.A " by Bruce Springsteen. It was about a guy in war with his brother, I think, and them fighting enemies. We then started to watch a short film about a guy on 30 day challenges and finishing his novel. We completed NaNo reflection and updated the chart. It's time to go now, so I'll see you guys next time, bye.

Ms. Nakada Virtual Classroom: Day 44

Agenda: Check-in Q - Q - Song LAST DAY!!! HW: Letters to yourself, me, and a future eighth grader.  This is it! Our last Zoom...